The time has come to industrialize Norwegian tourism

Tales of Norway’s natural beauty will not sell on their own. But if we make a choice to treat tourism as strategically and ambitiously as other industries, then high-quality tourism can become one answer to the question of Norway’s source of income after oil.

Value creation (GDP) tourism in Norway 2030

Billion NOK Contribution from specific initiatives in this report

Billion NOK underlying market growth

Billion NOK Total increase 2020-2030

Employment (fulltime equivalents). Contribution from specific initiatives in this report.

I have started investing in the very North of Europe, more exactly in Tromsø, Norway (map). Next to a cute holiday house I have acquired land and invest in a modest residential development close to Tromsø’s city center. More to come — the North is the place you want to be in 25 years from now!

Dr. Tobias Reichmuth

Founding Partner at Maximon, Maximon

Doing business in Norway

Norway is known for nature attractions like fjords, mountains, northern lights, and the midnight sun. Because of the Gulf Stream, Norway has a friendlier climate than the latitude indicates, leaving it with ice-free ports all year round. The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current leading water from the Caribbean northeasterly across the Atlantic Ocean and then following the Norwegian coast northwards.

The importance of tourism

According to the final figures issued by Statistics Norway, total tourist consumption in 2019 was estimated at NOK 194.3 billion. NOK 126.3 billion of this total goes towards the purchase of goods and services that come under what is defined as tourism products. such as transport, accommodation, food and beverage services, presentations, and cultural and entertainment activities. The importance of tourism to Norway is increasing in line with the rest of the Norwegian economy This means that the tourism industry’s contribution to the country’s GDP amounted to 4.2 percent that year

Related links

Welcome to Varanger in Greater Arctic Norway*

Activating the Norway brand (Pdf)

Varanger = Utvikling (Pdf)

Hotel Investment guide Lapland (Pdf)

Visit Norway

Reiselivsstrategi Troms og Finnmark 2023 – 2032

Arctic Investment Protocol (Pdf)

Norway’s Arctic Strategy (Pdf)

Reisemålstrategi Vardø 2019 – 2026

Business Index North 2022

LinkedIN articles

Some more facts and figures




Public Holidays

People & society

Geography & Climate

Facts & Figures


#coolcation #visitvaranger #livenordic

Perfect locations

We have some fantastic resorts concepts anchored to five unique locations and land areas in Varanger. Some of the locations are connected to old fishing villages, there are bird cliffs, shallow beaches, the possibility for different types of activities, and adventures within walking distance from the area.

Varanger is particularly suitable for developing world-class resorts and arctic tourist destinations. Our guests will experience summer and winter adventures from Hamningberg and East Cape to Nesseby and Tana in the west. We will bring them to the peninsula in the north and the Varangerfjord in the south.

Reason to go

Aurora borealis
Whale and King crab safaris
Sami culture and experience
Virginity – untouched wild nature
Old culture and history
Steilneset Witch Memorial
Hornøya bird cliff
Cultural heritage area
Varanger Peninsula National park
Varanger National scenic route
Varangerfjord and the Barents Sea
East Cape
Explore space, place and silence

Why invest here?

In 2018*, the tourism industry in the north of Finland generated 1 billion Euros and entertained guests from 140 countries. It is estimated that in 2026 the turnover will be 3.6 billion Euros and create 10 million book-lodging days.
Numbers from Statistics Norway in 2016 show that the tourism consumption for Norway was 170 million Euros. This is the second year with strong growth and for these two years, the increase was 17 percent. During the last years, there has been a marked increase in the tourist industry, especially in Troms and Finnmark. It’s just a matter of time when Nord-Varanger (Coast Of Lapland) will be a part of this market. * Before the pandemic.


Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.

Raw place with lots of space

Listen to the sound of silence

Local food / Seafood / Berries / Salmon

Arctic lights – Arctic nights

Part of Sápmi and Sami culture

Insta-friendly destination

Normal temperature

Fresh air and clean water

Only 8500 people in the region

Greater Arctic Holding AS 
Marelius AS
Ottar Zahl Jonassen
m. +47 93824248
Ottar (a)
The Icehouse
Postbox 101
NO-9811 Vadsø